Initial Website Set Up Tutorial (General)

-> Complete Member Profile
-> Upload "Gravatar"
-> Interact and Enjoy!


PP-IC Discussion Forum Set Up

-> Subscribe to Daily Digest


Quickstart Pt. 1 (08:11)

Quickstart Pt. 2 (03:12) 

Quickstart Pt. 3 (05:53)


Steps to Get Up and Running With Your

Peak Performer or Inner Circle Group 

1. Be sure you have a FAX number on File with NAPMA
If you don't have a FAX # visit: http://www.efax.com/efax-free
to set up a FREE account

Then E-Mail your FAX number to TobyMilroy@NAPMA.com 
(Put "Peak Performer -or Inner Circle- FAX Number Update" in the Subject Line) 

2. Peak Performer/Inner Circle Members Section
Login to www.NAPMA.com/MemberServices
(If you do not have access send an E-Mial to admin@NAPMA.com to be set up) 

Reson Why Advertising
Intensive Advertising
How to Immediately Boost Revenue
Generate 30 Enrollments per Month

  You should be internalize these resources as a "Foundational Basic" of our program. 

Be sure you are familiar with this material and it's concepts prior to your first LIVE Meeting!


PROVEN Successful School Strategies For Maximizing Revenue,
Retention and Student Quality

These recordings discuss some of the proven fundamentals
of operating a successful martial arts school.

Introductory to Renewal Strategies Audio

Intensive Advertising