The Ultimate "Shortcut" for Building a Hyper-Successful School

Our "Millionaire Smarts" Peak Performance Coach Lee Milteer Reveals

The "Ultimate Shortcut" for Building a Hyper Successful Martial Arts School

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  1. Loretta Holbrook says:

    Thank you for the opportunity to watch and listen to this information. As I listened more and more, I developed a since of accomplishment and energy that, Yes I can do what I want in life. I can make my school a great success and yes, I will get that Harley that I have a picture of on my wall. I know that, that is a small goal. But, to me riding on that bike is the most relaxing thing I can do. That is my get away.
    As I listened to this, the coach of the MMA classes that was teaching here was taking down his cage. The reason for this is that he didn't want to respect the wishes of the Dojo and have his guys keep their shirts on when my Tae Kwon Do classes were going on. So, he quit. When I heard one of his fighters say, "This is a gym, we don't wear shirts" yes it is true, in the cage they don't wear shirts, but walking around outside to smoke, or going through my floor to the restroom. Get your shirt on ..... This is not a gym, it is MY Dojo. I am the head here, the owner and my say so is final.
    Yes, I know I am venting here. But, I wanted you to know that my listening to your video here, made a real difference.

    Thank you again,
    Loretta Holbrook
    Belen, NM.

    • Toby Milroy says:

      I'm glad it was useful to you.
      We ALL need a steady diet of motivation, and proven successful tactics.
      MUCH more to come!

    • You have to be very aware of the surroundings in your school. Having these guys in a cage while your Tae Kwon Do classes are going on is a bad idea to begin with. Having incongruent behavior is unacceptable in your school.

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